Itinerary Builder — The Hiking Club

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Your own personalised hiking itinerary

We think self-guided hiking is the best way to experience the benefits of spending time outdoors. It allows for independence, and freedom to move at your own pace. It’s very cost-effective compared to tour company packages and allows you to choose the start date, route and accommodation types that suit you best.

choose your own adventure

Most guidebooks provide standard itineraries, however, this is not suitable for fit, experienced hikers or those with time constraints that would like to complete this trail in fewer days. That's why we've created a "choose your own adventure" Itinerary Builder. It allows self-guided hikers to create their own unique itinerary based on possible route and daily destination combinations, including:

  • Choose your preferred start/end location which is most convenient for you

  • Select which direction to hike

  • Incorporate alternate routes rather than only sticking to the main trail

  • Options to incorporate transport into your plan to shorten days or cover more ground

  • Select accommodation based on your preference (Hut, Hotels, Camping)

  • Tailor your itinerary based on hiking speed (fast through to wanderer pace)

  • Use terrain descriptions to choose routes that match your experience

  • Each package includes the option to create two itineraries - a draft and a final version.

The itinerary builder includes photos, descriptions, and trail statistics to help you answer each route and destination question.


see the Itinerary Builder in action


Your own personalised itinerary document

Upon completion of the Itinerary Builder you will receive your own detailed itinerary document which includes your distance, elevation profile, estimated hiking time and information on your chosen route. Download and/or print your daily hiking plan to book your accommodation and visualise your upcoming adventure.